Joining the RFO
How to Apply
An applicant must:
Attend a prior period of formation/orientation given by a Daughter of Mercy
Keep in contact with a community of the Daughters of Mercy in order to learn more about and develop a greater appreciation for the Religious Family
Meet with the Mother Provincial or with her delegate to get to know each other
Present a written request to the Mother Provincial expressing your desire to be part of the
Rossellian Family

Becoming a Full Member
Full membership is established when an applicant:
Discovers the gift of the Charism as a vocation in and for mercy
Commits to formation for personal growth and for the good of the Religious Family
Performs the Works of Mercy in his or her own situation and in the mission of the Religious Community whenever possible.
The formation process includes:
Discovery of the meaning of Baptism as a common call
Baptism lived as a sign of communion
Discovery of God’s Mercy in one’s own life
Knowledge of Mother Rossello — traits and profile of her human and Christian-religious personality
Knowledge of Rossellian spirituality — Christology, Ecclesiology, Eschatology, and Mariology
Knowledge and deepening of the charism of Mercy
Knowledge of the distinctive characteristics of Rossllian ministry
Attendance at periodic meetings
Personal guidance
Days of spirituality/retreats
During the formation stage, group coordinators will endeavor to foster a member’s personal journey through:
The Word of God
The words of Mother Rossello
The words of Pope Francis